• Sabbatical?

    I attend my friend Tom’s church (The Shepherd’s Fellowship). He has taught more than once about fasting and taking time out of your life for God. I have fasted before, but not much, so I’d like to instill that as a somewhat regular practice. I’m not sure what form it will take, but I’ll be…

  • Starting College Like a Boss!

    K is Starting College! My best friend’s oldest daughter is starting college this year at Kent State University (go Flashes)! I’ve gotten two degrees from there, so I’m extra excited for her, not to mention jealous. K is starting on this wonderful new journey of self-discovery, new ideas, exposure to new cultures, and the chance…

  • Form WITH Function: Office Supplies and Practical Uses

      I have made it very clear on this site and in person that I have a deep, abiding obsession with all things office/stationary. However, these beautiful items are belittled if not put to good use. So what are some good uses? To address this, I’m expanding the scope of my blog from just reviews…