In my last post, I only showed the front of my journal cover. My mom asked why I didn’t show the inside. This post is to correct that oversight. Midori is the brand name of the Japanese company that originated this type of journal. We can’t get them here, and most of us don’t want to spend that kind of money anyway. For those of us who make our own or purchase them from those who do, we call them “fauxdori.” Some pick sassier names like happidori, foxidori, etc. Anyway, I wanted to walk you through my set up. Maybe it will give you some ideas on what to do with a blank book you have or you can share your ideas with me! Let’s get started!
Midori Traveler's Notebook - my set up.
A reminder of the outside.


First, there are parts I can’t make myself unless a) I use super cheap components, or b) I want to spend a ton of money on some industrial machine. Those would be the plastic pouch and business card pockets. As you can see, the zippered pouch is full of PENS! One thing you will learn about me is that I love pens. These happened to be Le Pen pens. I haven’t really used them in this notebook, so I might have to find another use for them, but they are happy here for now. I saw a few YouTube videos and blog posts that used the business card holders to store planner goodies. I couldn’t resist, so I have my washi tape, tabs, Post it flags, etc. WHY DID I NEVER THINK OF THIS?!! The back part of the zipper pouch is a pocket, where I keep note cards and payments I received.
Midori pouch of pens.

Midori pouch with Post-it flags and sticker.

Pockets of washi tape and business cards.
The next part is a SIX-POCKET folder I made. I mostly followed directions from this YouTube video. Brilliant! I had to alter mine because it’s bigger that hers, but I love it. I have stickers in the front and receipts in the back. I’ll keep notes, cards, and other detritus in the middle pockets.

Pretty folder insert.

Next are my book inserts. I bought two of them from Yellow Paper House on Etsy. They have a ton of set ups and colors. I got a multi-color notebook insert and a wide lined notebook insert. They are both nice, and I recommend the store. However, I decided to make the other two blank books; they are hand-sewn. The first book is being used as a Commonplace book (basically a place to write down anything and everything). The second is a writing book. I plan to keep ideas and info here. The third is for Goals and Projects. I keep info about my journal orders here, as well as photography info. The last book is for faith. I have a section for prayer, Scripture that speaks to me, and general thoughts. 
Decorated TN inserts.

Decorated TN inserts.

Decorated TN inserts.

Decorated TN inserts.
There are SOOOOO many different kinds of books that others have created. Of course, if you can think of it, you can make/request a book for it: sketching, painting, fitness, book/movie/restaurant reviews, and the list goes on! This is why I love this concept so much. This can be whatever you want it to be. One of my orders right now is for a planner with a week on 2 pages. The sky is the limit! See my Etsy store if you’d like to place a custom order.

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